Chirpy! 0.3 API Documentation
Chirpy::UI::WebApp - User interface class to use Chirpy! as a Web application
Apart from a proper Chirpy! installation, this module requires the following Perl modules:
HTML::Template HTTP::Date URI::Escape
Optionally, for on-the-fly gzip compression, Compress::Zlib is required. If you wish to use captchas, you will need either Authen::Captcha or GD::SecurityImage.
This module uses the following values from your configuration file:
- webapp.webmaster_name
The name of the site's webmaster.
- webapp.webmaster_email
The e-mail address of the site's webmaster.
- webapp.site_url
The base URL of the web site, i.e. the path to index.cgi, without the trailing forward slash.
- webapp.resources_url
The base URL of the path where resources, i.e. publicly available files used by the output pages, are stored, again without the trailing forward slash.
- webapp.theme
The identifier of the theme to use.
- webapp.welcome_text_file
The name of the file that contains the welcome message to display on the home page. Use a path name relative to the base path defined in the
section. - webapp.cookie_domain
- webapp.cookie_path
When cookies are set, these two values are used to limit them to the correct domain name and path. For example, if your QDB is located at, you would enter
. - webapp.session_expiry
To keep track of users' actions, sessions are used. These are kept around for a while if the user is inactive. This value sets how long they should be saved. You can use a number for the expiry time in seconds, or use a number directly followed by one of these suffixes to indicate time units:
m: minutes h: hours d: days M: months y: years
This format was borrowed from
- webapp.enable_short_urls
If you run Chirpy! on an Apache web server that has the
module installed, you can set this value to 1 to make URLs short, pretty and easy to remember. - webapp.enable_feeds
Set this value to 1 to enable the RSS and Atom feeds the module offers.
- webapp.enable_gzip
Apply gzip compression on output if possible.
- webapp.captcha_provider
The captcha provider to use. Either
, depending on which of the corresponding modules are available. Note that captcha providers may offer additional configuration; see Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Captcha::Authen_Captcha and Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Captcha::GD_SecurityImage. If this parameter is not set, captchas will be disabled. - webapp.captcha_path
The physical path to the directory where public captcha data is to be stored.
- webapp.captcha_url
The URL to the captcha path.
- webapp.captcha_expiry_time
The number of seconds between the moment when the captcha was generated and the moment when its code expires.
- webapp.enable_autolink
Automatically turn hyperlinks and e-mail addresses in quotes into hyperlinks.
This module uses the following strings from your locale. Please make sure they are present before using the module.
- webapp.start_page_description
Brief description of what the start page does, for tooltips and such.
- webapp.start_page_short_title
Abbreviated version of Start Page, e.g. Home, for use in compact menus.
- webapp.quote_link_description
Brief description of what a link to the quote is for, for tooltips and such.
- webapp.next_page_title
Translation of Next Page, for multi-page quote lists.
- webapp.previous_page_title
Translation of Previous Page, for multi-page quote lists.
- webapp.current_page_title
Translation of Current Page, for a link to the current page in the event log viewer.
- webapp.footer_text
Text stating that the page was generated by Chirpy! and informing the user of the number of milliseconds used to do so.
is replaced with the Chirpy! product name and version, linked to the Chirpy! web site,%2%
with the number of milliseconds (without a unit). - webapp.footer_text_no_time
Text stating that the page was generated by Chirpy!.
is replaced with the string Chirpy!, possibly with formatting. - webapp.manage_quote_instructions
Message explaining to the user that, if he would like to modify or remove a quote, the links to do so are available from the quote list.
- webapp.remove_quote_without_viewing_confirmation
Question confirming the removal of a quote by entering its ID and stressing that this is not a recommended action.
- webapp.manage_news_instructions
Message explaining to the user that, if he would like to modify or remove a news item, the links to do so are available from the list of recent news items on the start page.
- webapp.session_required
Message explaining that the session information cookie that Chirpy! tried to store was not accepted by the user's browser and suggesting that he try again after reviewing his cookie settings.
- webapp.timed_out_text
Error message explaining that the connection has timed out while attempting to rate the quote, and asking the user to try again.
- webapp.captcha_code_label
The label text for the field where the user fills in the captcha code.
- webapp.captcha_image_text
The alternate text for the captcha image.
- webapp.minimum_tag_usage_count_title
The title for the tag cloud's slider label, i.e. "Minimum Quotes" followed by a colon.
- webapp.top_quote_prefix
The prefix for the "Top Quote" microsummary, i.e. "Top Quote" followed by a colon.
- webapp.bottom_quote_prefix
The prefix for the "Bottom Quote" microsummary, i.e. "Bottom Quote" followed by a colon.
- webapp.latest_quote_prefix
The prefix for the "Latest Quote" microsummary, i.e. "Latest Quote" followed by a colon.
- webapp.latest_unmoderated_quote_prefix
The prefix for the "Latest Unmoderated Quote" microsummary, i.e. "Latest Unmoderated Quote" followed by a colon.
Split into smaller modules, expose more methods, tons of optimizations.
Tim De Pauw <>
Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Session, Chirpy::UI, Chirpy,
Copyright 2005-2007 Tim De Pauw. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.